Originally, I wasn't going to watch the movie in class. I was going to leave and do the Bliss Assignment, but I had to get directions to a friend's house. I was looking up directions as the movie started, and then I got engrossed in it. So, I stayed.
Initially, I just loved it! The Japanese professor who did the water experiment was freaking awesome. The story...was lame, I have to admit. No body in our class seemed to connect with that lady...she felt like "my friend's mom." But I digress... (I just wanted to say that ^_^)
"They" didn't come out and say it, but they we're trying to give way to a new "religion" or way of life. When honestly, it was Buddhism all over again...mixed with a little Mormonism. They tried to hide it by making it upbeat and "self-help-class" like. To me, the idea of ascending or being enlightened and "lost in your own mind" makes me feel lonely. I have no desire to be god.
I felt one major flaw in their way of thinking was the "emotion addiction." The movie made me feel a certain way...thinking I could turn into or be god, made me feel a certain way - the whole idea could appeal to a person's "emotions"(those little jelly creatures that bugged the hell out of me). So, if you like the way believing in that makes you feel...you'll believe it, no? In the end, I think they pushed that people should avoid addictions and then they'll be enlightened. Um, so how do you explain the addiction to feeling like god? Are you "allowed" to not ignore that one? It just seems too skeptical to me. Same with primordial soup and people evolving from rocks, lol.
At one point it felt like they were also pushing giving into those emotions...so I may have misinterpreted that.
Also, the idea that things exist "everywhere" and that our sight limits it to one place. Look, I'm open to thinking creatively, but that's people's way of explaining their addiction to their own minds. They have overactive imaginations that make them "feel" like they're in more than one place, or they think they can "throw" their spirit to some other place on earth at will. They WANT to be like god, so they make excuse for it. Back to what I was saying though. As much as an atom doesn't exist, it also still exists more than a vacuum. Look at a vacuum under a scope and you'll see nothing. Look at mass under one, and you'll get something. Even if our eyes are only interpreting something that barely exists into extremely real solid objects - there is still a distinguishable difference, and that prevents a basketball from being in more than one place at a time.
They're ignoring what they don't know as well. Try finding the God Particle. Then try convincing me that you can control circumstances in your life. Key word there is "control" - you can effect them, sure. You have the ability to make decisions, but who "controlled" dinosaurs in existence? Seriously?
And can I say, the ending where they re-hashed what they believed for an hour was annoying.
lol, but overall it was a nice try.