Saturday, October 4, 2008

#5 - TOUCH

Our skin has a memory of it's own. It's easy to recall the feel of a rough unique surface...try it out. Look at this image:

It's a brick wall. Remember all the times you've skimmed your hands across one as you walked? They're dry and course. Your hands would be moist and stick to the wall a tried not to run your nails directly along it because they would scrape and it just felt weird.

Try this one:

Cotton bed sheets. Your skin remembers exactly what they feel like. Not the softest thing in the world but still very comforting.

Now try this:

One glass is room temperature, the other has ice in it. Imagine picking up either one. You know your fingers will get wet with one, and you can sense almost exactly how cold it would feel.

Touch is a powerful sense. It gets logged in our memories quite well, many times without us even noticing.

If you want an "oh, that's kinda cool" thing to do, google textures or surfaces, and just thumb through the images. Imagine touching each'll be surprised at how you "know" exactly how each one would feel, even if you've never actually touched them before.

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