Tuesday, September 30, 2008

#2 - TASTE

I first became inspired with this while I was doing my sound sense. My friend Richard mentioned banana peppers...and when I thought of how they crunched and tasted so delicious, my mouth immediately began to water. In fact, it still does if I think about it enough. ^_^

So, taste is in conjunction with what I see, smell, and remember. The brain often tells me what I'm tasting if I see it or smell it first. I'm going to try to eliminate as many factors as possible and see what I feel I'm tasting...or whatever. Just go with it.

I had my friend blind fold me, and I plugged my nose.
He is going to feed me 4 things, and I'm going to type what I think after I eat each one, without really knowing what they are 'til the end.


It was slimy and scared me at first. I didn't want to swallow it even though I had to. It was sweet, but not a "good" sweet and it was watered down "lemony." I told myself it was the lemon puddings we had.

I knew the second one right of the bat. It was one of those cherry sized tomatoes. I hate them. It was disgusting when it burst in my mouth. The juices and seeds...blech! Initially, it was just a silky tasteless ball. But there was no mistaking it once I bit in.

It was runny, and sweet, but seemed more like Robotussen when I swallowed it. My next guess was honey. I accidentally unplugged my nose and immediately knew it was maple syrup.

This one I knew only by its shape. It felt like a green bean. It however was tasteless. How it squished in my mouth made me feel sick. This is odd, because I LOVE green beans.

Now, here's what I was fed: 1) whipped cream 2) a cherry tomato 3) maple syrup 4) a green bean.

(I'll finish this later)

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