Saturday, September 27, 2008

Redux Prehuntas

Brockin's Seeing Sideways...or something. Thank's for your question.
3. What if we sat in that classroom we had for class for 24 hours talking about nonsense.

What if...

I'm game.

Initially, I'd love to, I'd consider daring you to let us do it some class's like one of those strange scenarios that people like me would thrive in...or at least dream of being "trapped" in. The whole "elevator" malfunction thing. And I would suppose if it WAS like a movie, I'd love it...but here's to Joker and his theory of men. People never fail to dissapoint. A few interesting conversations would take place, maybe a few games. One or two people would come more out of their shells. All the same questions about life would come up like clock work...never having definite answers...serving only for temporary inspiration. A fleeting moment of communion, loved and almost instantly forgotten. Just another memory to add to all our memories...for what? To grow? To be a better human? Let me know when a more satisfying answer dares suffice this.

Brockin was right. Nonsense.

and another interesting question...more one that just begged me to post a picture...
33. Ghosts hung around and talked to us from cloudedchaos

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